Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Still Striving for Unity... Questions

"She said everything she was supposed to..." was the refrain amongst the throng leaving the Pepsi Center tonight. "Still, I teared up when Joyce started to cry" said one 40-something woman to another. "I mean, they worked so hard for so long."

Political veterans and career activists have thicker skin than the "true believers." Many people flee the world of politics disenchanted, angry, hurt, betrayed and bullied. This week, I've met more than a few folks who "used to be involved... but, it's so dirty." This week leaves me with the question: Is the political game any dirtier than other sectors? Is it just covered more in the media? I mean, my day-job is with a non-profit and that place is dirty.

Maybe only political novices ask these things... but I wonder, what was Hillary Clinton feeling tonight? Disenchanted, angry, hurt, betrayed? Bullied by Howard Dean and the part elders? Clinton is tougher than me. Somehow, I doubt we'll see her retreat into relative obscurity.

And earlier that day...

Just turn your monitor or head 90 degrees...

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