Saturday, August 23, 2008

FOX News Was Here First, Run Rabbit Run, Coptown U.S.A

Arriving in sunny Denver in early afternoon, I was greeted by the good folks from FOX News. I should have known they would be here first... and I should have known that they wouldn't give me a ride downtown from the airport. So selfish, so very, very selfish.

I phoned "my lawyer" and he arrived in very efficient style. All was going swimmingly until we attempted to park near his domicile in the Auroria Campus section of downtown.

The effort to park at the apartment complex became a race against the clock as more barricades and fences were being erected by the minute. Roads were closing earlier than expected and the law enforcement professionals were as helpful as possible with such limited "big picture" information.

Finally finding purchase at the Campus Village Apartments, my lawyer and I consulted and quickly made the decision to remain drunk for the entire week. In subsequent hours, this was realized as impossibility due to the following factors:
  • Cash on Hand: Although the greater Denver area boasts myriad happy hours and drink specials, none of the booze is free (excepting the shots that Audrey buys)
  • Good Neighbor Status: It's very difficult to do and see so much without ones wits about him. The Denver residents have been very friendly and we would like to keep it so.
As I toured downtown Denver for the first time, I witnessed some obvious evidence of a town ramping up for the DNC. And then, there some signs that the weekend was business as usual.
Rabbit Against Granite

Aside from the inconvenience of constant road and sidewalk closures, Denver is a joy to navigate. I don't know that I've ever felt so "safe" and protected in all of my days. Law enforcement professionals have been brought in from surrounding areas to augment the Denver force. Thus far, the men and women in blue have been friendly and helpful. It is my hope that the protesters in town offer similar respect.

"Hard but Fair"

It's for pushing people

Civil Discourse

Video: "What are we protesting?"

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