Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bonus Media from the IVAW Demonstration

The footage is dark, but worthy if you've a moment for amusement...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rage 4 Peace

Not everything has been perfectly organized in Denver during this week's DNC. Logistic issues have been raised by irritated media members since arriving this weekend. Today, however, was witness to the wheels of democratic process spinning freely, if for just a brief time.

Tent State University ( and Iraq Veterans Against the War ( (who have been holding informational demonstrations throughout the week) joined forces with Rage Against the Machine and Denver band The Flobots for a politically charged concert today. The event outgrew the original venue and was moved to the Denver Coliseum a few miles north of downtown.

Attendance estimates for the concert top 9,ooo. This is not remarkable considering the drawing power of such acts, convention week, in a hip town like Denver. What is remarkable is what happened next.

Nearly 2,000 of the concert goers and uniformed members of IVAW marched the distance form the north side of Denver to lower downtown. The mission of the action was to deliver a letter and/or meet with Senator Obama's campaign to communicate the goals of IVAW. These goals are:

1. Immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces from Iraq
2. Full benefits and health care for returning veterans
3. Reparations to the Iraqi people

"Tie a Yellow Ribbon..."

The group made its first stand at the edge of the secured convention campus on the corner of 7th and Auroria. This position provided minimal exposure and was soon abandoned as the group reversed direction to march across the Auroria campus to a more visible location at the corner of Market and Speer streets. Here, the group of discharged military stood in formation and announced their intention to march two steps toward the police line.

The tense standoff between the protesters and police/secret service was awkwardly buffered by a cluster of media and legal observers. I found myself positioned with host and executive producer of NPR's Democracy Now!

Amy Goodman soon attempted to ignore the immutable fact that "whoever 'smelt' it, dealt it."

Using a megaphone, the IVAW leaders implored the crowd to be respectful and courteous to police and secret service personnel. The demand for an audience with Senator Obama and/or Obama campaign head of veterans affairs Phil Carter was repeated several times.

As the sun dipped behind the Rocky mountains, word came from inside the convention perimeter that IVAW representatives would be seen by Phil Carter. The crowd roared with applause as former marines Jeff Key and Liam Madden were escorted through the police line to deliver their letter and make a formal request to address the convention delegates. Veterans wiped tears as the crowd chanted "yes we can!"

This, I believe, is the democratic process in action. No official results are promised, cancer isn't cured, but when you witness a formation of soldiers cry in celebration, I can only hope that they will not be ignored by the government that commissioned their coming and going into combat.

IVAW representative Jeff Key soon returned and explained the the importance of the action.

"The billions of dollars spent on the war don't make you safer" stated Key. "A war against terror is a misnomer. Terrorism is a tactic, not something that can be fought in this way. I needed to find a different way to fight this battle, so I left the marines." Key went on to criticize the fiscal irresponsibility of the war in Iraq, "My mother and father were working-class people. All the money they earned over the entire course of their lives is spent in the blink of an eye in Iraq."

Venerable attorney Ron Kuby addressed the veterans, commending their actions past and present.

The happening traveled from the sublime to the ridiculous as "The Missile Dick Chicks" mounted a presentation of satirical song, dance and oration.

The pessimist in me contends that Rage Against the Machine is just a band, a small group of discharged soldiers can't change anything and a crew of smelly protesters don't repair government. The "true believer" in me says "don't stop believing." Hey, it's the land of opportunity, right?

Bring Back Crystal Pepsi!

Pro-life/Pro-Choice, gay rights, anti-war and veterans groups (to name just a few) are here in Denver this week. These are important issues. So is this...

Write your elected official.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Still Striving for Unity... Questions

"She said everything she was supposed to..." was the refrain amongst the throng leaving the Pepsi Center tonight. "Still, I teared up when Joyce started to cry" said one 40-something woman to another. "I mean, they worked so hard for so long."

Political veterans and career activists have thicker skin than the "true believers." Many people flee the world of politics disenchanted, angry, hurt, betrayed and bullied. This week, I've met more than a few folks who "used to be involved... but, it's so dirty." This week leaves me with the question: Is the political game any dirtier than other sectors? Is it just covered more in the media? I mean, my day-job is with a non-profit and that place is dirty.

Maybe only political novices ask these things... but I wonder, what was Hillary Clinton feeling tonight? Disenchanted, angry, hurt, betrayed? Bullied by Howard Dean and the part elders? Clinton is tougher than me. Somehow, I doubt we'll see her retreat into relative obscurity.

And earlier that day...

Just turn your monitor or head 90 degrees...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

FOX News Was Here First, Run Rabbit Run, Coptown U.S.A

Arriving in sunny Denver in early afternoon, I was greeted by the good folks from FOX News. I should have known they would be here first... and I should have known that they wouldn't give me a ride downtown from the airport. So selfish, so very, very selfish.

I phoned "my lawyer" and he arrived in very efficient style. All was going swimmingly until we attempted to park near his domicile in the Auroria Campus section of downtown.

The effort to park at the apartment complex became a race against the clock as more barricades and fences were being erected by the minute. Roads were closing earlier than expected and the law enforcement professionals were as helpful as possible with such limited "big picture" information.

Finally finding purchase at the Campus Village Apartments, my lawyer and I consulted and quickly made the decision to remain drunk for the entire week. In subsequent hours, this was realized as impossibility due to the following factors:
  • Cash on Hand: Although the greater Denver area boasts myriad happy hours and drink specials, none of the booze is free (excepting the shots that Audrey buys)
  • Good Neighbor Status: It's very difficult to do and see so much without ones wits about him. The Denver residents have been very friendly and we would like to keep it so.
As I toured downtown Denver for the first time, I witnessed some obvious evidence of a town ramping up for the DNC. And then, there some signs that the weekend was business as usual.
Rabbit Against Granite

Aside from the inconvenience of constant road and sidewalk closures, Denver is a joy to navigate. I don't know that I've ever felt so "safe" and protected in all of my days. Law enforcement professionals have been brought in from surrounding areas to augment the Denver force. Thus far, the men and women in blue have been friendly and helpful. It is my hope that the protesters in town offer similar respect.

"Hard but Fair"

It's for pushing people

Civil Discourse

Video: "What are we protesting?"

Friday, August 22, 2008

The WORD Goes Gonzo

In just one sleep/"all-nighter", the ENTIRE staff of the Chautauqua Region WORD will be in Denver, Colorado to provide coverage of the Democratic National Convention. Be sure to check back soon, and regularly, for up-to-the-minute (kinda) convention coverage.